Doctoral Degree Program of Information and Communication Engineering
一、 Applicable Discipline
Discipline: Information and Communication Engineering
Discipline Code:0810
二、 Grade
从2020级博士生开始/Start from 2020 admission
三、 Study Form
Full time
四、 Discipline Introduction
Information and Communication Engineering discipline is about the science of information acquisition, storage, transmission, processing, performance and their relationship, and is also the applied science that studies、designs and develops information and communication equipment. In 1998 and 2000, the doctoral degree programs “Communication and Information System” and “Signal and Information Processing” were approved respectively. In 2003, the doctoral degree programs in the first level discipline of Information and Communication Engineering was approved and it set up a post-doctoral research program in Information and Communication Engineering. In 2016, it ranked the top 20% in the fourth discipline evaluation conducted by the Ministry of Education of China. Now it is a key discipline in Heilongjiang Province and has been listed as the main discipline in the key construction project of the university. This discipline mainly focuses on scientific research and talent cultivation in the fields of "communication and defense communication" and “information and information processing”. It is an important training center of high-level talents and scientific research base in the field of information and communication engineering in China's shipbuilding, national defense and national economy industries.
The discipline has an outstanding faculty,including 43 doctoral supervisors and 143 master supervisors. It has a large number of talents at the state、provincial and ministerial level, including distinguished professors of Yangtze river scholars, young Yangtze river scholars, national and provincial outstanding teachers and the educators with the Great Spirit of Longjiang Craftsman.
Combined with the its characteristics and advantages, it has established "National Key Laboratory of underwater acoustic technology" and "Key Laboratory of advanced ship communication and information technology industry and information technology ministry", which plays an important role at home and abroad. In recent years, the discipline has undertaken a number of national science and technology major projects, including national key research and development plan projects, key projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, National 863 plan and so on. It has made outstanding contributions on underwater communication detection, positioning and navigation, signal and information processing, mobile communication and confrontation, radar signal recognition and super-resolution direction finding. It has won 1 second prize of national scientific research and technology, 3 second prize of provincial and ministerial scientific research and technology. To promote the international academic exchanges, it supports graduate students to participate in international conferences and conducts international joint training program. It has established extensive cooperative relationship with many international research institutions, and has gained more and more academic influence in the world.
In the environment of fast development of national economy, based on the major national demand, the discipline adheres to the concept of relying on “ship and sea” industry, aiming at the medium and long-term development plan of national science and technology, serving the development of industrialization and informatization. Closely connected with the technological development of communication, confrontation, information processing and guidance, the discipline gives full play to the characteristics and superiority, which strives to establish the training base of high-level talents with "solid foundation, excellent quality and practical innovation".
五、 Educational Objective
The training program is committed to educate the outstanding talents that are familiar with and fond of the Chinese culture; consent to the mainstream values and public morality of Chinese society, have a broad global vision and the ability to develop friendly relationships with other countries; proficient in the fundamental theories and specialized knowledge in information and communication engineering, familiar with the status and advances in the area; able to apply applied sciences and interdisciplinary knowledge to solve complex scientific and engineering problems and accomplish innovative accomplishments; and competent for academic research, high-tech project development and engineering application in the field of information and communication engineering.
1. Students should be able to complete study and research tasks in English and publish their own research results in academic journals and on conferences in a standardized form.
2. Students should have the ability to carry out scientific research on basic theories or cutting-edge technology topics in a certain field of this discipline; have the ability to raise and solve problems independently; engage in creative technical work and productive research independently. The aim is to cultivate academic leaders and technical backbones in information and communication science and engineering.
六、 Main Research Field
1. Underwater Target Detection and Identification Technology
2. Underwater Communication and Network Technology
3. Underwater Positioning and Navigation Technology
4. Radar Counter Technology
5. Communication and Communication Countermeasure Technology
6. Intelligent Information and Image Processing
七、 Educational Approach
The doctoral training program adopts the independent guidance of a supervisor or the joint guidance of the tutor groups. It adopts a full-time training approach to curriculum study, scientific research practice, compulsory links and dissertation research. Based on the requirements of the training program, according to the specific situation of each graduate student, the scientific and systematic training plan is jointly made by the supervisor and the doctoral student, including the research direction、personalized curriculum learning plan、the follow-up scientific research practice and the thesis.
八、 Study Duration
4 years, Maximum study duration is 6 years.
九、 Courses and Credits, Compulsory Parts and Requirements, and Degree Thesis Requirements
1.课程设置与学分要求(Courses and Credits) |
课程类别Category |
课程编号Code |
课程名称Course |
学时Hour |
学分Credit |
开课学期Semester |
备注Remark |
公共必修课General Compulsory Courses |
202032020900 |
中国概况Survey of China |
48 |
3 |
2 |
必选Compulsory |
202032020901 |
基础汉语Chinese |
64 |
3 |
1 |
必选Compulsory |
202032020009 |
科学与工程计算Science and Engineering Computing |
48 |
2 |
1 |
必选Compulsory |
专业必修课ProfessionalCompulsoryCourses |
202010021001 |
信息与通信工程技术前沿 The frontier of Modern Information and Communication Technology |
16 |
1 |
1 |
必选Compulsory |
202010523003 |
现代信号处理理论Modern Signal Processing Theory |
32 |
2 |
1 |
必选1门1 compulsory course |
202010823001 |
现代信息与通信技术基础The Foundation of Modern Information and Communication Technology |
32 |
2 |
1 |
选修课Optional Courses |
2020***20001 |
论文写作指导Thesis/Dissertation Writing |
16 |
1 |
1 |
选修Optional |
202032020902 |
汉语交际Chinese Communication |
64 |
3 |
1 |
选修Optional |
202032020903 |
HSK辅导HSK Tutoring |
48 |
3 |
2 |
选修Optional |
202010523001 |
水声物理专题Acoustical Physics Subject |
32 |
2 |
1 |
选修Optional |
202010523002 |
声呐信号处理专题Sonar Signal Processing Subject |
32 |
2 |
1 |
选修Optional |
学分要求Credit Requirement |
应修总学分≥14学分,其中课程学分≥10学分,必修环节≥4学分。Students should achieve no less than 14 credits totally, including the course part 10credits and the compulsory part 4 credits. |
其他要求Others |
1.对于跨学科攻读本学科博士学位的研究生,应由导师根据研究方向需要指定若干门专业核心课程进行补修,只记成绩,不计学分。2.硕士阶段没有修读“论文写作指导”课程的,一般应选其作为选修课。3.毕业前中文能力应当达到《国际汉语能力标准》三级水平。4.鼓励留学生在导师指导下从“全校研究生课程目录”中选择部分中文课程作为选修课程。1. The interdisciplinary doctoral candidates are required to take several professional core courses designated by their supervisors, which record grades only without any credits.2. Those who have not taken the course of "Thesis/Dissertation Writing” in the master’s degree programs are required to study it as an optional course.3. Before the graduation, all international students are required to pass HSK band III (level) at least. 4. With the guidance of a supervisor, international students are encouraged to choose some courses teaching in Chinese from the postgraduate course catalog of the university as elective courses. |
2.必修环节及要求(Compulsory Parts and Requirements) |
必修环节名称Compulsory Part |
学分Credit |
开课学期Semester |
考核内容或要求Assessment Requirement |
考核方式Exam Method |
备注Remark |
学术活动Academic activities |
1 |
5 |
博士生在答辩前至少应参加5次以上由学校或学院组织的学术活动,鼓励参加本学科或相关学科国内、国际会议;本人在博士生论坛或国内、国际会议上做学术报告不少于1次,学术报告的内容要与所研究的课题相关。每次学术活动要有500字左右的总结报告,注明参加学术活动的时间、地点、报告人、学术报告题目,简述内容并阐明自己对相关问题的学术观点或看法,经导师组签字后交学院教务办公室保留,由教务办公室汇总后统一报送研究生院,给予相应学分。研究生导师在研究生培养过程中需对研究生进行学术道德教育和学术规范训练,并对研究生做出明确要求;研究生应参加校、院组织的学术道德和学术规范讲座,同时撰写不少于1500字的学习报告或心得体会,由导师审阅同意后交院系存档。研究生在就读期间要注重培养和提高自身学术道德修养,遵守学术研究的基本规范,自觉抵制学术不端行为。Doctoral students should participate in at least 5 academic activities organized by the university or college before their defense. Encourage doctoral students to participate in domestic or international conferences of this major or related majors; doctoral students must give an academic report at the doctoral forum or domestic or international conferences at least once, the content of the academic report should be related to the research topicEach academic activity must have a summary report of about 500 words, indicating the time, place, reporter, and academic report title, a brief description of the content and clarification of their academic views or opinions on related issues. After being signed by the supervisor group, it shall be submitted to the Academic Affairs Office of the college for filing. After being summarized, it should be submitted to the graduate school, and then credit will be given accordingly.Graduate mentors need to conduct graduate moral education and academic norm training, and make clear requirements for graduate students; graduate students should participate in academic moral and academic norm lectures organized by the university and college, and write a study report or experience of no less than 1500 words, which should be reviewed and approved by the tutor and then submitted to the Academic Affairs Office for filing. Doctoral candidates should attach importance to the cultivation and improvement of their own academic ethics, abide by the basic norms of academic research, and consciously resist academic misconduct. |
由院系负责考核Assessed by the related college |
至少选择1个环节Select one part at least |
创新竞赛与创业活动Innovation competition and entrepreneurial activities |
1 |
5 |
博士研究生参加“中国研究生创新实践系列大赛”或国家层面组织的创新创业活动等,符合学校有关规定条件的,可获得创新竞赛与创业活动成绩及学分。The doctoral candidates who participate in the "China Postgraduate Innovation & Practice Competitions" or the national-level innovation and entrepreneurship activities that meet the relevant requirements of the university can obtain the scores and credits of innovation & practice competition and entrepreneurship activities. |
由研究生院学术办公室考核Assessed by the Academic Affairs Office of the Graduate School |
文献综述与开题报告Literature review and thesis proposal |
2 |
4 |
博士研究生在文献综述中,要全面反映与本课题直接相关的国内外研究成果,特别是近年来的最新成果和研究趋势。同时要指出课题所需要进一步解决的问题,阐明本课题选题的意义;博士开题一般应于开学后两年内完成,开题报告基本包括选题目的和意义、国内外研究现状、研究内容、研究方案、预期成果和参考文献,其中参考文献总数不少于50篇(外文文献不少于25篇),近五年文献不少于50%,开题报告不少于1万字。具体要求和流程参照《哈尔滨工程大学博士学位研究生学位授予工作细则》。 The literature review should contain the research results related with the research topic at home and abroad; especially the latest achievements and research trends in recent years. At the same time, students should point out the problems that need to be solved further and clarify the significance of this topic. The opening of a doctoral degree should be completed within two years after entering the university. The opening report basically includes the topic selected and the significance, research status at home and abroad, research content, research plans, expected results and references. The relevant domestic and foreign literature should be consulted, with a total number of no less than 50, the literatures in the past five years should be no less than 50%. The opening report is no less than 10,000 words. For specific requirements and procedures, please refer to the “Working Rules for the Award of Doctoral Degrees of Harbin Engineering University”. |
由开题报告小组负责考核Assessed by the thesis proposal group. |
必选Compulsory |
中期检查Processassessment |
1 |
6 |
中期检查最迟应于开题后1年内完成,按照开题报告的预定内容和进度安排的进展情况,已完成的内容和阶段性研究成果,目前存在的问题和解决方案,后续研究计划,形成中期检查报告。具体要求和流程参照《哈尔滨工程大学博士学位研究生学位授予工作细则》。· The process assessment should be completed no later than 1 year after the opening of the topic. The process assessment report should be completed, according to the planned research content, progress of the schedule, completed tasks, phases fruits, existing problems , solutions, follow-up research plan and reference. For specific requirements and procedures, please refer to the “Working Rules for the Award of Doctoral Degrees of Harbin Engineering University”. |
由中期检查小组负责考核Assessed by process assessment group |
必选Compulsory |
3.学位论文要求(Degree Thesis Requirements) |
对学位论文的学术道德、学术水平、创新性成果、论文撰写、预答辩以及答辩等方面的具体要求:The degree thesis requirements with the contents of academic ethics, academic level, creative outcome, thesis writing, pre-defense and final defense of graduation:学术道德:博士生在攻读学位期间,首先要注重培养和提高自身学术道德修养,遵守学术研究的基本规范,自觉抵制学术不端行为。应参加学校和学院组织的学术道德和学术规范讲座,同时撰写不少于1500字的学习报告或心得体会,由导师审阅同意后交学院教务办公室存档。在发表学术论文和撰写学位论文等有关工作中,应严格按照《哈尔滨工程大学研究生学术道德规范管理办法》要求,恪守职业道德,维护科学诚信。博士生导师在博士生培养过程中需对博士生进行学术道德教育和学术规范训练,并对博士生做出明确要求。学术水平:应在本学科领域上具备坚实宽广的基础理论和系统深入的专业知识;具有独立分析及解决本学科领域关键技术问题的能力和素质,并符合学校和学院相关文件要求。创新成果:学位论文应对所研究的课题有新的见解,对学术发展、经济建设和社会进步有一定的理论意义或现实意义,论文中应至少有一个创新点。论文撰写:博士学位论文撰写的要求按学校及学院相关文件执行。论文预答辩及答辩:博士学位论文预答辩及答辩的要求按学校及学院相关文件执行。Academic Ethics: PhD students should pay attention to the cultivation and improvement of their own academic ethics, abide by the basic norms of academic research, and consciously resist academic misconduct during the period of studying. They should attend lectures on academic ethics and academic norms organized by the University and the college, and at the same time, write a learning report or experience of no less than 1500 words, which shall be reviewed and approved by the supervisor and then submitted to the Academic Affairs Office for filing. In the relevant work of publishing academic papers and dissertations, students should strictly abide by professional ethics and maintain scientific integrity in accordance with "Administrative Measures for the Academic Ethics of Postgraduates of Harbin Engineering University". Supervisors should carry out academic moral education and academic norm training, and make clear requirements for the doctoral students.Academic Level: PhD students are required to have solid and broad basic theories and systematic and in-depth professional knowledge in the field of the discipline. They should have the ability and quality to independently analyze and solve key technical problems in the field of the discipline, and meet the requirements of relevant documents of the university and the college. Creative Outcome: The thesis should have new opinions on the research topic, and have certain theoretical or practical significance for academic development, economic construction and social progress. There should have at least one innovation point in the thesis.Thesis Writing: The thesis writing requirement of thesis should be implemented in accordance with the relevant documents of the university and the college.Pre-defense and Final Defence of Graduation: The pre-defense and defense of the doctoral thesis requirement of thesis should be implemented in accordance with the relevant documents of the university and the college. |
信息与通信工程来华留学硕士研究生培养方案 (学术学位)
Master’s Degree Programof Information and Telecommunication Engineering
一、适用学科(Applicable Discipline)
学科名称: 信息与通信工程 学科代码: 0810
Discipline: Information and Telecommunication Engineering
Discipline Code: 0810
从 2020级硕士生开始/Start from 2020 admission
三、适用学习形式(Study Form)
全日制/ Full time
四、学科简介(Discipline Introduction)
Information and Communication Engineering discipline is about the science of information acquisition, storage, transmission, processing, performance and their relationship, and is also the applied science that studies、designs and develops information and communication equipment. In 1998 and 2000, the doctoral degree programs “Communication and Information System” and “Signal and Information Processing” were approved respectively. In 2003, the doctoral degree programs in the first level discipline of Information and Communication Engineeringwas approved and it set up a post-doctoral research program in Information and Communication Engineering. In 2016, it ranked the top 20% in the fourth discipline evaluation conducted by the Ministry of Education of China. Now it is a key discipline in Heilongjiang Province and has been listed as the main disciplinein the key construction project of the university. The discipline mainly focuses on scientific research and talent cultivation in the fields of "communication and defense communication" and “information and information processing”. It is an important training center of high-level talents and scientific research base in the field of information and communication engineering in China's shipbuilding, national defense and national economy industries.
The discipline has an outstanding faculty,including 43 doctoral supervisors and 143 master supervisors. It has a large number of talents at the state、provincial and ministerial level, including distinguished professors of Yangtze River Scholars, the Young Yangtze River Scholars, national and provincial outstanding teachers and the educators with the Great Spirit ofLongjiang Craftsman.
Combined with the its characteristics and advantages, it has established "National Key Laboratory of underwater acoustic technology" and "Key Laboratory of advanced ship communication and information technology industry and information technology ministry", which plays an important role at home and abroad. In recent years, the discipline has undertaken a number of national science and technology major projects, including national key research and development plan projects, key projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, National 863 plan and so on. It has made outstanding contributions on underwater communication detection, positioning and navigation, signal and information processing, mobile communication and confrontation, radar signal recognition and super-resolution direction finding. It has won 1 second prize of national scientific research and technology, 3second prize of provincial and ministerial scientific research and technology. To promotethe international academic exchanges, it supports graduate students to participate in international conferencesand conducts international joint training program. It has established extensive cooperative relationship with many international research institutions, and has gained more and more academic influence in the world.
In the environment of fast development of national economy, based on the major national demand, the discipline adheres to the concept of relying on “ship and sea”industry, aiming at the medium and long-term development plan of national science and technology, serving the development of industrialization and informatization. Closely connected with the technological development of communication, confrontation, information processing and guidance, the discipline gives full play to the characteristics and superiority, whichstrives to establishthe training base of high-level talents with "solid foundation, excellent quality and practical innovation".
五、培养目标(Educational Objective)
The training program is committedto educatingthe outstanding talents that are familiar with and fond of the Chinese culture; consent to the mainstream values and public moralityof Chinese society, have a broad global vision and the ability to develop friendly relationships with other countries; proficient in the fundamental theories and specialized knowledge inInformation and Communication Engineering, able to carry out academic research, high-tech project development and toundertake the technical work in engineering application.
1. Students should be able to complete study and research tasks in English and publish their own research results in academic journals and on conferences in astandardized form.
2.Proficient in the fundamental theories and specialized knowledge; understand the research status, trends and academic frontier topics of the discipline at home and abroad; have the ability to raise and solve problemsindependently, and make creative achievements in academic research; be competent for the job of teaching, scientific research, technical management and engineering design.
六、主要研究方向(Main Research Field)
1.水下目标探测与识别技术/ Underwater Target Detection and Identification Technology
2.水下通信与网络技术/ Underwater Communication and Network Technology
3.水下定位与导航技术/ Underwater Positioning and Navigation Technology
4.雷达对抗技术/ Radar Counter Technology
5.通信与通信对抗技术/ Communication and Communication Countermeasure Technology
6.智能信息与图像处理技术/ Intelligent Information and Image Processing
七、培养方式(Educational Approach)
The master training program adoptsthe independentguidance of a supervisor or the joint guidance of the tutor groups. It adopts a full-time training approach to curriculum study, scientific research practice, compulsory links and dissertation research. Based on the requirements of the training program, according to the specific situation of each graduate student, the scientific and systematic training plan is jointly made by the supervisor and the doctoral student, including the research direction、personalized curriculum learning plan、the follow-up scientific research practice and the thesis.
八、学制和最长学习年限(Study Duration)
学制3年,最长学习年限4年/3 years, Maximum study duration is 4 years.
九、课程设置与学分要求、必修环节以及学位论文要求(Courses and Credits, Compulsory Parts and Requirements, and Degree Thesis/Dissertation Requirements)
1.课程设置与学分要求(Courses and Credits) |
课程类别Category |
课程编号Code |
课程名称Course |
学时Hour |
学分Credit |
开课学期Semester |
备注Remark |
公共必修课General Compulsory Courses |
202032020900 |
中国概况Survey of China |
48 |
3 |
2 |
必选Compulsory |
202032020901 |
基础汉语Chinese |
64 |
3 |
1 |
必选Compulsory |
202032020004 |
矩阵论Matrix Theory |
32 |
2 |
1 |
必选1门1 Compulsory course at least |
202032020001 |
数学物理方法AMathematics Method in Physics A |
48 |
2 |
1 |
专业必修课ProfessionalCompulsoryCourses |
202010013001 |
信息与通信工程学科导论Intro of Information and Telecommunication Engineering |
16 |
1 |
1 |
必选Compulsory |
202010013002 |
随机过程Stochastic Process |
48 |
3 |
1 |
必选Compulsory |
202010013003 |
信号检测与估计Theory of Signal Detection and Estimation |
48 |
3 |
1 |
必选Compulsory |
2020***20001 |
论文写作指导Thesis Writing |
16 |
1 |
1 |
必选Compulsory |
202010013004 |
现代信号处理基础Modern Signal Processing |
48 |
3 |
1 |
必选1门1 Course Compulsory |
202010513009 |
通信信号处理Communication Signal Processing |
32 |
2 |
1 |
201910810502 |
现代通信技术Modern Communication Technology |
48 |
3 |
1 |
202010813002 |
信息理论与编码Information Theory and Coding |
48 |
3 |
2 |
选修课Optional Courses |
202032020902 |
汉语交际ChineseCommunication |
64 |
3 |
1 |
选修Optional |
202032020903 |
HSK辅导HSK Tutoring |
48 |
3 |
2 |
选修Optional |
201910510015 |
水下基阵信号处理及应用Array Signal Processing |
32 |
2 |
2 |
选修Optional |
201910510017 |
矢量信号处理技术Basic Theory on Acoustic Vector Signal Processing |
16 |
1 |
2 |
选修Optional |
201910510018 |
水声通信与网络技术Underwater Acoustic Communication and network Technique |
32 |
32 |
2 |
选修Optional |
202010511003 |
海洋生物声学信号处理技术Marine bioacoustic signal processing technology |
32 |
2 |
1 |
选修Optional |
202010513002 |
水声学原理Principles of Underwater Sound |
48 |
3 |
2 |
选修Optional |
202010513006 |
水声换能器技术Technology of Underwater Acoustics Transducer |
48 |
3 |
2 |
选修Optional |
202010511025 |
水下声信道Underwater Acoustic Channel |
32 |
2 |
1 |
选修Optional |
202010513007 |
DSP器件原理及应用DSP Device Principle and Application |
32 |
2 |
2 |
选修Optional |
202010511006 |
声学测量AcousticMeasurement |
32 |
2 |
2 |
选修Optional |
202010520901不能选 |
水下磁感应通信与网络 Magneto-Inductive Communication for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks |
32 |
2 |
2 |
选修Optional |
202010520902不能选 |
蜂窝通信和无线通讯技术建模Cellular Communication and Wireless Communication Technology Modeling |
32 |
2 |
2 |
选修Optional |
202010520903 |
机器学习 Machine Learning |
32 |
2 |
2 |
选修Optional |
202010813102 |
语音信号处理Audio and Signal Processing |
32 |
2 |
2 |
选修Optional |
201910810512 |
移动通信系统及关键技术Mobile Communication System and Key Technologies |
32 |
2 |
2 |
选修Optional |
202010813103 |
智能计算与应用Intelligent Computing and Applications |
32 |
2 |
2 |
选修Optional |
202010813101 |
微波工程Microwave Engineering |
32 |
2 |
2 |
选修Optional |
学分要求Credit Requirement |
应修总学分≥30学分,其中课程学分≥26学分,必修环节≥4学分。Students should achieve no less than 30 credits totally, including course part≥26 credits, compulsory part≥4 credits. |
其他要求Others |
1.硕士生在导师指导下选修跨一级学科课程至少2学分,并取得合格成绩。2.毕业前中文能力应当达到《国际汉语能力标准》三级水平。3.鼓励留学生在导师指导下从“全校研究生课程目录”中选择部分中文课程作为选修课程。1.Under the guidance of the supervisor,master candidates are required to take interdisciplinary first-level courses with 2 creditsat least and pass the exams.2. Before graduation, all international students are required to pass HSK band III (level) at least.3. With the guidance of the tutor, international students should be encouraged to choose some courses teaching in Chinese from the university graduate course catalog as elective courses. |
2.必修环节及要求(Compulsory Parts and Requirements) |
必修环节名称Compulsory Part |
学分Credit |
开课学期Semester |
考核和内容或要求Content or Requirement |
考核方式Exam Method |
备注Remark |
学术活动Academic activities |
1 |
5 |
硕士研究生在答辩前至少应参加3次由学校或学院组织的学术活动,鼓励参加本学科或相关学科国内、国际会议。在第一学年至少应参加2场次由学校组织的知识产权专题讲座。每次学术活动要有500字左右的总结报告或学习心得,注明参加学术活动的时间、地点、报告人、学术报告题目,简述内容并阐明自己对相关问题的学术观点或看法,经导师签字后交院系教务办公室保留。研究生导师在研究生培养过程中需对研究生进行学术道德教育和学术规范训练,并对研究生做出明确要求;研究生应参加校、院组织的学术道德和学术规范讲座,同时撰写不少于1500字的学习报告或心得体会,由导师审阅同意后交院系存档。研究生在就读期间要注重培养和提高自身学术道德修养,遵守学术研究的基本规范,自觉抵制学术不端行为。Postgraduate students must attend at least three academic activities organized by the university or college before the oral defense. They are encouraged to participate in domestic and international conferences of the discipline or related majors.Postgraduate students must attend at least 2 lectures on intellectual property organized by the school in the first academic year. Each academic activity should have a summary report or learning experience of about 500 words, indicating the time, place, reporter, title of the academic report, outlining the content and clarifying their own academic views or views on the relevant issues, which should be signed by the supervisor and then submitted to the Academic Affairs Office of the college for filing.In the process of postgraduate training, the postgraduate supervisor shall carry out academic moral education and academic standard training for the graduate students, and make requirements clear for the graduate students; the graduate students shall participate in academic moral and academic standard lectures organized by the University and the college, and write learning reports or experience of no less than 1500 words, which shall be reviewed and approved by the tutor and then submitted to the Department for filing. Postgraduates should pay attention to the cultivation and improvement of their own academic ethics, abide by the basic norms of academic research, and consciously resist academic misconduct. |
由院系负责考核Assessed by the related college |
至少选择1个环节Select one part at least |
创新竞赛与创业活动Innovation competition and entrepreneurial activities |
1 |
5 |
硕士研究生参加“中国研究生创新实践系列大赛”或国家层面组织的创新创业活动等,符合学校有关规定条件的,由研究生院学术办公室规定创新和创业活动目录及考核。Graduate students who participate in the "China Graduate Innovation Practice Series Competitions" or the innovation and entrepreneurship activities organized at the national level which meet the relevant requirements of the school.The academic office of the graduate school shall stipulate the catalogue and assessment of innovation and entrepreneurship activities. |
由研究生院学术办公室考核Assessed by the Academic Affairs Office of the Graduate School |
文献综述与开题报告Literature review and thesis proposal |
2 |
3 |
硕士研究生在文献综述中,要较全面反映与本课题直接相关的国内外研究成果,特别是近年来的最新成果和研究趋势。同时要指出课题所需要进一步解决的问题,阐明本课题选题的意义;硕士研究生开题报告基本包括选题目的和意义、国内外研究现状、研究内容、研究方案、预期成果和参考文献,其中参考文献总数不少于30篇(外文文献不少于10篇),近五年文献不少于30%,开题报告不少于8千字。具体要求和流程参照《哈尔滨工程大学硕士学位研究生学位授予工作细则》。In the literature review, the research results at home and abroad, especially the latest achievements and research trends in recent years should be given. At the same time, students should point out the problems that need to be solved further and clarify the significance of this topic. The opening report of postgraduate includes the purpose and significance of the topic, research status at home and abroad, research content, research plan, expected results and references, of which the total number of references is no less than 30 (no less than 10 foreign literatures), the literatures in the past five years should be no less than 30, and the opening report is no less than 8000 words. For specific requirements and procedures, please refer to the “Working Rules for the Award of Doctoral Degrees of Harbin Engineering University”. |
由开题报告小组负责考核Assessed by the thesis proposal group. |
必选Compulsory |
中期检查Processassessment |
1 |
5 |
中期检查应于开题后1年内完成,按照开题报告的预定内容和进度安排的进展情况,已完成的内容和阶段性研究成果,目前存在的问题和解决方案,后续研究计划。具体要求和流程参照《哈尔滨工程大学硕士学位研究生学位授予工作细则》。According to the scheduled content and progress of the opening report, the completed content and phased research results, the existing problems and solutions, and the follow-up research plan in the proposal,the process assessment should be completed within one year before the dissertation Proposal. For specific requirements and procedures, please refer to “Working Rules for the Award of Doctoral Degrees of Harbin Engineering University”. |
由中期检查小组负责考核Assessed by process assessment group |
必选Compulsory |
3.学位论文要求(Degree Thesis/Dissertation Requirements) |
对学位论文的学术道德、学术水平、创新成果、论文撰写以及答辩等方面的具体要求:The degree thesis requirements with the contents of academic ethics,academic level, creative outcome, thesis writing and final defense of graduation: 学术道德:硕士生在攻读学位期间,首先要注重培养和提高自身学术道德修养,遵守学术研究的基本规范,自觉抵制学术不端行为。应参加学校和学院组织的学术道德和学术规范讲座,同时撰写不少于1500字的学习报告或心得体会,由导师审阅同意后交学院教务办公室存档。在发表学术论文和撰写学位论文的有关工作中,应严格按照《哈尔滨工程大学研究生学术道德规范管理办法》要求,恪守职业道德,维护科学诚信。硕士生导师在硕士生培养过程中需对硕士生进行学术道德教育和学术规范训练,并对硕士生做出明确要求。学术水平及创新成果:相关要求参照学校《哈尔滨工程大学硕士学位研究生学位授予工作细则》及学院相关文件执行。学位论文撰写:论文撰写除符合学校规定外,学位论文必须是一部完整的学术论文,要求立论正确、论述严谨、数据可靠、结果具有说服力,且层次分明、结构合理、图表清晰。学位论文答辩:相关要求参照学校《哈尔滨工程大学硕士学位研究生学位授予工作细则》,且满足学校和学院有关硕士学位申请者发表学术论文的相关规定,学生需提交学位论文评阅书以及针对评阅意见给出的详细的修改说明,由答辩委员会审核评议。答辩完成后,学生需按照答辩委员提出的修改意见进行修改,提交学术委员会审核。Academic Ethics: Master students should pay attention to the cultivation and improvement of their own academic ethics, abide by the basic norms of academic research, and consciously resist academic misconduct during the period of studying. They should attend lectures on academic ethics and academic norms organized by the University and the college, and at the same time, write a learning report or experience of no less than 1500 words, which shall be reviewed and approved by the supervisor and then submitted to the Academic Affairs Office for filing. In the relevant work of publishing academic papers and dissertations, students should strictly abide by professional ethics and maintain scientific integrity in accordance with "Administrative Measures for the Academic Ethics of Postgraduates of Harbin Engineering University". Supervisors should carry out academic moral education and academic norm training, and make clear requirements for the master students.Academic Level andCreative Outcome:Please refer to the detailed rules for awarding master's degree of Harbin Engineering University and relevant documents of the college.Thesis Writing:In addition to meeting the requirements of the University, the dissertation must be a complete academic paper, which requires correct argument, rigorous discussion, reliable data, persuasive results, clear hierarchy, reasonable structure and clear charts.Final Defense of Graduation:About the related requirements, please refer to the detailed rules for awarding master's degree of Harbin Engineering University and the relevant documents of the college, the requirements publishing academic papers must be implemented strictly. After being reviewed by the tutor, students must submit detailed thesis revision explanation to the academic committee. The chairman of the defense committee and the academic committee will review the revision of the paper based on the above materials. After passing the examination, master students can apply for similarity test of dissertation. |
船舶与海洋工程来华留学博士研究生培养方案 (学术学位)
Doctoral Degree Program of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
一、适用学科(Applicable Discipline)
学科名称:船舶与海洋工程 学科代码:0824
Discipline: Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering Discipline Code:0824
从 2020级博士生开始/ Start from 2020 admission.
三、适用学习形式(Study Form)
全日制/Full time。
四、学科简介(Discipline Introduction)
The research object of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering discipline is ships and marine engineering equipment, as well as the power system and underwater acoustic system required to complete its functions, covering the fundamental theories and knowledge in the fields of mathematics, mechanics, machinery, acoustics, computer science, information science and system engineering. Graduates are mainly employed in universities, classification societies, research institutes, design companies, and domestic and foreign shipping enterprises.
HEU’s Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering discipline has the solid discipline foundation and comprehensive system, which dates back to the Naval Engineering Department of Harbin Institute of Military Engineering founded in 1953. The master’s degree program of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering started in 1955. The doctoral degree program was approved in 1981, one of the first doctoral degree programs in China. In 2007, the discipline was awarded with the first batch of “the State Key Discipline (Level 1)”. In 2017, it entered the national “Double First-class” construction program and scored A+ in the fourth discipline evaluation conducted by the Ministry of Education of China.
The discipline aims at shipping industry, naval equipment and ocean exploitation. The education and research activities are based on the advantages brought by three campuses located in Harbin, Qingdao and Yantai. With the attention and efforts given to the regional needs of Shenzhen and Sansha, in the field of naval architecture and ocean engineering , it has become the main force in fundamental and technological researches and the major contributor in core technologies and key common technologies in China.
The discipline has an outstanding faculty, including members of Chinese Academy of Engineering, the distinguished professors and chair professors of Yangtze River Scholars and Ten-Thousand Talent Program Scholars. It has a world-class set of experimental facilities and centers, including national experimental centers naval architecture & ocean engineering, and underwater acoustics for teaching and demonstration, national visual relativity and simulation centers of marine engineering VR simulation and ship powering technology for experimental teaching, and national key laboratories of underwater acoustic technology and underwater robotics.
At HEU, the fundamental, frontline and prospective scientific research activities are closely combined with the demand of national strategic development The discipline took the lead to coordinate and accomplish many strategic research projects such as intelligent ocean robotics technology, numerical tank, polar fundamental common technology, renewable energy offshore, and vibration and noise reduction of ship powering systems. HEU has established 12 dominant disciplines in naval architecture, ocean engineering ,which will realize the innovative and coordinated development in fundamental research, fundamental application research, key technologies, and equipment research. In the national plan of Hi-Tech ships, the number of the research projects led and conducted by the discipline ranks the first in the national industries. HEU has made prominent contributions in supporting the national strategy, transforming and upgrading the shipping industry, and developing the new strategic industries of ocean engineering equipment.
HEU is the largest training center of high-level talents in China in the area of naval architecture and ocean engineering, and 5 joint education programs have been established with University of California Berkeley, University of Southampton,University of Leeds, and University of Lisbon. More than 10 joint courses are offered to the students, and more than 100 students are exchanged every year. In the evaluation of the employers’ rating of 50 well established universities carried out by the Ministry of Education, HEU ranks first both in employers’ satisfaction and in graduates’ satisfaction.
The discipline exerts its effort in the construction of world-class subject, aiming at pioneering the education and scientific research in the area of naval architecture and ocean engineering. HEU took the lead in setting up the University Association of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering of China, and the Innovation & Cooperation in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering Alliance that has 55 university members from 11 countries.
五、培养目标(Educational Objective)
1.Familiar with and fond of the Chinese culture; consent to the mainstream values and public morality of Chinese society, have a broad global vision and the ability to develop friendly relationships with other countries.
2.Proficient in the fundamental theories and specialized knowledge of naval architecture and ocean engineering; familiar with the status and advances in the area.
3.Capable of academic writing and international exchanges independently, able to carry out frontline scientific researches; able to apply applied sciences and interdisciplinary knowledge to solve complex scientific and engineering problems in the area and to accomplish innovative accomplishments.
六、主要研究方向(Main Research Field)
1.船舶设计制造理论与方法 / Theory and Method of Ship Design and Manufacture
2.船舶与海洋工程力学 / Mechanics of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
3.深海工程科学与技术 / Science and Technology of Deep Sea Engineering
4.智能海洋机器人技术 / Technology of Intelligent Unmanned Marine Vehicles
5.船舶动力装置总体性能与系统 / General Performance and System of Marine Power Equipment
6.船舶动力装置振动噪声控制 / Vibration and Noise Control of Marine Power Equipment
7.船舶动力装置自动化 / Automation of Marine Power Equipment
8.船舶特种动力 / Special Power of Ship
9.海洋声场分析与模拟仿真技术 / Ocean Acoustic Field Analysis and Simulation Analysis Technology
10.水下目标声学特性分析与水声对抗技术 / Acoustic Characteristics Analysis of Underwater Targets and Underwater Acoustic Countermeasures
11.水下声系统与水声电子技术 / Underwater Acoustic System and Underwater Acoustic Electronic Technology
12.水声信号处理与水声通信技术 / Underwater Acoustic Signal Processing and Underwater Acoustic Communication Technology
七、培养方式(Educational Approach)
1.The tutor responsibility system is adopted in the cultivation of doctoral students.
2.Take the full-time training mode of combining cultural education, curriculum learning, scientific research practice, compulsory parts and thesis research work.
八、学制和最长学习年限(Study Duration)
学制4年,最长学习年限6年/4 years, Maximum study duration is 6 years.
九、课程设置与学分要求、必修环节以及学位论文要求(Courses and Credits, Compulsory Parts and Requirements, and Degree Thesis/Dissertation Requirements)
1.课程设置与学分要求(Courses and Credits) |
课程类别Category |
课程编号Code |
课程名称Course |
学时Hour |
学分Credit |
开课学期Semester |
备注Remark |
公共必修课General Compulsory Courses |
202032020900 |
中国概况Survey of China |
48 |
3 |
2 |
必选Compulsory |
202032020901 |
基础汉语Chinese |
64 |
3 |
1 |
必选Compulsory |
202032020001 |
数学物理方法AMath in Physics A |
48 |
2 |
1 |
必选1门1 course compulsory |
202032020003 |
数值计算Numerical Methods |
32 |
2 |
1 |
专业必修课ProfessionalCompulsoryCourses |
202010121051 |
高等结构力学Advanced Structural Mechanics |
32 |
2 |
1 |
必选1门1 coursecompulsory |
202010121052 |
高等水动力学Advanced Hydrodynamics |
32 |
2 |
1 |
202010323001 |
计算流体力学进展Progress of Computational Fluid Dynamics |
32 |
2 |
1 |
202010323004 |
热力学与传热学进展State of the Art in Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer |
32 |
2 |
1 |
202010323006 |
非线性控制理论及应用Nonlinear Control Theory and Application |
32 |
2 |
1 |
202010513002 |
水声学原理Principles of Hydroacoustics |
48 |
3 |
1 |
选修课Optional Courses |
2020***20001 |
论文写作指导Thesis/Dissertation Writing |
16 |
1 |
1 |
选修1门1 Optional course at least |
202032020902 |
汉语交际Chinese Communication |
64 |
3 |
1 |
202032020903 |
HSK辅导HSK Tutoring |
48 |
3 |
2 |
202010121152 |
海洋机器人智能感知与控制技术Intelligent Perception and Control Technology for Unmanned Marine Vehicles |
32 |
2 |
1 |
201910310302 |
高等热力学Advanced Thermodynamics |
48 |
3 |
1 |
201910310305 |
振动分析Vibration Analysis |
48 |
3 |
1 |
201910310306 |
动力装置现代控制理论Power Equipment Modern Control Theory |
48 |
3 |
1 |
201910310307 |
高等流体力学Advanced Fluid Dynamics |
64 |
4 |
1 |
202010513023 |
现代信号处理基础Fundamentals of Modern Digital Signal Processing |
48 |
3 |
1 |
202010511025 |
水下声信道Underwater Acoustic Channel |
32 |
2 |
1 |
202010511021 |
水声传播原理Principles of Underwater Acoustic Propagation |
48 |
3 |
1 |
202010511004 |
非线性声学Nonlinear Acoustics |
32 |
2 |
1 |
学分要求Credit Requirement |
应修总学分≥15学分,其中课程学分≥11学分,必修环节≥4学分。Students should achieve no less than 15credits totally, including the course part that≥11 and the compulsory part≥4. |
其他要求Others |
1.对于跨学科攻读本专业博士学位的研究生,应由导师根据研究方向需要指定若干门专业核心课程进行补修,只记成绩,不计学分。2.硕士阶段没有修读“论文写作指导”课程的,一般应选其作为选修课。3.毕业前中文能力应当达到《国际汉语能力标准》三级水平。4.鼓励来华留学生选修中文授课课程。1. The interdisciplinary doctoral candidates are required to take several professional core courses designated by their supervisors, which record grades only without any credits.2. Those who have not taken the course of "Thesis/Dissertation Writing” in the master’s degree programs are required to study it as an optional course.3. Before the graduation, all international students are required to pass HSK band Ⅲ (level) at least. 4. Encourage overseas students to take Courses teaching in Chinese. |
2.必修环节及要求(Compulsory Parts and Requirements) |
必修环节名称Compulsory Part |
学分Credit |
开课学期Semester |
考核内容或要求Assessment Requirement |
考核方式Exam Method |
备注Remark |
学术活动Academic activities |
1 |
5 |
博士生在答辩前至少应参加5次以上本专业或相关专业国内、国际会议或由学校组织的学术活动;在博士生论坛或国内、国际会议上做学术报告不少于1次。学术报告的内容要与所研究的课题相关。每次学术活动要有500字左右的总结报告,注明参加学术活动的时间、地点、报告人、学术报告题目,简述内容并阐明自己对相关问题的学术观点或看法,经导师组签字后交学院教务办公室审核,给予相应学分。Doctoral students shall attend at least 5 domestic and international conferences or academic activities organized by the University in their major or related major before the oral defense; they shall make academic reports at Doctoral Forum or domestic and international conferences at least once. The content of the academic report should be related to the research topic. Each academic activity should have a summary report of about 500 words, indicating the time, place, reporter, title of the academic report, outlining the content and clarifying their own academic opinions or views on relevant issues. After being signed by the supervisor group, it shall be submitted to the Academic Affairs Office of the college for filing. After being summarized by the academic affairs office, it should be submitted to the graduate school, and then credit will be given accordingly. |
由院系负责考核Assessed by the related college |
至少选择1个环节Select one part at least |
创新竞赛与创业活动Innovation competition and entrepreneurial activities |
1 |
5 |
研究生参加“中国研究生创新实践系列大赛”或国家层面组织的创新创业活动等,符合学校有关规定条件的,可获得创新竞赛与创业活动成绩及学分。Graduate students who participate in the "China Graduate Innovation Practice Series Competitions" or the national-level innovation and entrepreneurial activities that meet the relevant requirements of the university can obtain the scores and credits of innovation competition and entrepreneurial activities. |
由研究生院学术办公室考核Assessed by the Academic Affairs Office of the Graduate School |
文献综述与开题报告Literature review and thesis proposal |
2 |
3 |
博士研究生入学后,在导师指导下针对拟定的博士学位论文课题开始全面查阅论文课题有关国内外文献资料,总数不少于50篇,近五年文献不少于50%,深入了解本研究领域的现状与发展趋势,掌握本学科方向的国际学术前沿发展动态,并于开题前完成不少于5000字的文献综述。文献综述应反映国内外本领域的研究历史、现状、前沿、发展动态、发展趋势、存在的问题及自己的见解等。在文献综述的基础上,确定拟进行博士学位论文课题的研究内容及研究方法和研究进度等,撰写论文开题报告,内容主要包括:论文研究的目的意义,论文课题领域的国际学术前沿发展动态,论文研究内容与技术途径,论文预期的创新点,研究计划,参考文献目录等。开题报告具体细则按学校和学院规定执行。After the doctoral students enter the University, under the guidance of their tutors, they should comprehensively consult the relevant domestic and foreign literature of the proposed doctoral dissertation project, with a total number of no less than 50, the literatures in the past five years should be no less than 50%. They should have a deep understanding of the current situation and development trend of the research field, master the international academic frontier development trend of the discipline direction, and complete a literature review of no less than 5000 words before the opening report. Literature review should include the research history, current situation, frontier, development trends, development tendency, existing problems and their own opinions in this field at home and abroad.On the basis of literature review, determine the research content, research methods and research progress of the proposed doctoral dissertation project, and write the thesis opening report, which mainly includes: the purpose and significance of the thesis research, the international academic frontier development trend of the thesis project field, the content and technical approach of the thesis research, the expected innovation points of the thesis, the research plan, and the bibliography of references, and so on.The doctor's thesis proposal and dissertation plan shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant documents of the university and college. |
由开题报告小组负责考核Assessed by the thesis/dissertation proposal group. |
必选Compulsory |
中期检查Processassessment |
1 |
4 |
中期检查是培养过程的重要环节之一,有助于及时发现研究生学位论文工作中存在的问题,从而保证学位论文质量。中期检查一般最迟于开题后一年内进行,通过中期检查的研究生取得相应学分。具体细则按学校和学院规定执行。The process assessment is one of the important parts in the training process, which is helpful to find out the problems in the work of postgraduate dissertation in time, so as to ensure the quality of dissertation. Process assessment is generally carried out at the latest within one year after the opening of the thesis, and the postgraduates who pass the process assessment obtain corresponding credits. The detailed rules shall be implemented in accordance with the regulations of the University and the college. |
由中期检查小组负责考核Assessed by process assessment group |
必选Compulsory |
3.学位论文要求(Degree Thesis/Dissertation Requirement) |
对学位论文的学术道德、学术水平、创新性成果、论文撰写、预答辩以及答辩等方面的具体要求:The degree thesis/dissertation requirements with the contents of academic level,academic ethics, creative outcome, thesis/dissertation writing, pre-defense and final defence of graduation:博士生入学后3个月内,应在导师组的指导下完成论文工作研究计划的制定工作。内容包括:研究方向、课程学习、文献阅读、开题报告、科学研究、学术交流、学位论文及实践环节等方面的要求和进度计划,经导师组、学院审核批准后交学院教务办公室保留。学术道德:研究生在发表学术论文和学位论文的有关工作中,应严格按照《哈尔滨工程大学研究生学术道德规范管理办法》要求,恪守职业道德,维护科学诚信。研究生导师在研究生培养过程中需对研究生进行学术道德教育和学术规范训练,并对研究生做出明确要求;研究生应参加校、院组织的学术道德和学术规范讲座,同时撰写不少于1500字的学习报告或心得体会,由导师审阅同意后交教务办公室存档。研究生在就读期间要注重培养和提高自身学术道德修养,遵守学术研究的基本规范,自觉抵制学术不端行为。学术水平:具体要求参照学校和学院的相关规定执行。创新性成果:博士学位论文中至少应包含3个及以上创新点,其中2个应已公开发表。论文撰写:具体要求和流程等参照学校和学院的相关规定执行。预答辩及答辩:具体要求和流程等参照学校和学院的相关规定执行。Within 3 months after the doctoral students enter the school, they should complete the research plan of thesis work under the guidance of the tutor group. The contents include: requirements and schedule of research direction, course learning, literature reading, thesis proposal, scientific research, academic exchange, dissertation and practice parts, which shall be submitted to the Academic Affairs Office of the college for retention after being reviewed and approved by the tutor group and the college.Academic Ethics: in the relevant work of publishing academic papers and dissertations, postgraduates should strictly abide by professional ethics and maintain scientific integrity in strict accordance with "Administrative Measures for the Academic Ethics of Postgraduates of Harbin Engineering University". In the process of postgraduate training, the postgraduate tutor shall carry out academic moral education and academic standard training for the postgraduates, and make clear requirements for the postgraduates; the postgraduates shall participate in the academic moral and academic standard lectures organized by the University and the college, and at the same time, write a learning report or experience of no less than 1500 words, which shall be reviewed and approved by the supervisor and then submitted to the Academic Affairs Office for filing. Postgraduates should pay attention to the cultivation and improvement of their own academic ethics, abide by the basic norms of academic research, and consciously resist academic misconduct.Academic Level: the specific requirements shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant documents of the University and the college.Creative Outcome: the degree thesis/dissertation should contain at least three innovation points, two of which should have been published.Thesis Writing: the specific requirements shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant documents of the University and the college.Pre-defense and defence: the specific requirements shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant documents of the University and the college. |
船舶与海洋工程来华留学硕士研究生培养方案 (学术学位)
Master’s Degree Program of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
一、适用学科(Applicable Discipline)
学科名称:船舶与海洋工程 学科代码:0824
Discipline: Naval Architecture and Ocean EngineeringDiscipline Code:0824
从 2020级硕士生开始/ Start from 2020 admission
三、适用学习形式(Study Form)
全日制/ Full time
四、学科简介(Discipline Introduction)
The research object of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering discipline is ships and marine engineering equipment, as well as the power system and underwater acoustic system required to complete its functions, covering the fundamental theories and knowledge in the fields of mathematics, mechanics, machinery, acoustics, computer science, information science and system engineering. Graduates are mainly employed in universities, classification societies, research institutes, design companies, and domestic and foreign shipping enterprises.
HEU’s Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering discipline has the solid discipline foundation and comprehensive system, which dates back to the Naval Engineering Department of Harbin Institute of Military Engineering founded in 1953. The master’s degree program of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering started in 1955. The doctoral degree program was approved in 1981, one of the first doctoral degree programs in China. In 2007, the discipline was awarded with the first batch of “the State Key Discipline (Level 1)”. In 2017, it entered the national “Double First-class” construction program and scored A+ in the fourth discipline evaluation conducted by the Ministry of Education of China.
The discipline aims at shipping industry, naval equipment and ocean exploitation. The education and research activities are based on the advantages brought by three campuses located in Harbin, Qingdao and Yantai. With the attention and efforts given to the regional needs of Shenzhen and Sansha, in the field of naval architecture and ocean engineering , it has become the main force in fundamental and technological researches and the major contributor in core technologies and key common technologies in China.
The discipline has an outstanding faculty, including members of Chinese Academy of Engineering, the distinguished professors and chair professors of Yangtze River Scholars and Ten-Thousand Talent Program Scholars. It has a world-class set of experimental facilities and centers, including national experimental centers naval architecture & ocean engineering, and underwater acoustics for teaching and demonstration, national visual relativity and simulation centers of marine engineering VR simulation and ship powering technology for experimental teaching, and national key laboratories of underwater acoustic technology and underwater robotics.
At HEU, the fundamental, frontline and prospective scientific research activities are closely combined with the demand of national strategic development The discipline took the lead to coordinate and accomplish many strategic research projects such as intelligent ocean robotics technology, numerical tank, polar fundamental common technology, renewable energy offshore, and vibration and noise reduction of ship powering systems. HEU has established 12 dominant disciplines in naval architecture, ocean engineering ,which will realize the innovative and coordinated development in fundamental research, fundamental application research, key technologies, and equipment research. In the national plan of Hi-Tech ships, the number of the research projects led and conducted by the discipline ranks the first in the national industries. HEU has made prominent contributions in supporting the national strategy, transforming and upgrading the shipping industry, and developing the new strategic industries of ocean engineering equipment.
HEU is the largest training center of high-level talents in China in the area of naval architecture and ocean engineering, and 5 joint education programs have been established with University of California Berkeley, University of Southampton,University of Leeds, and University of Lisbon. More than 10 joint courses are offered to the students, and more than 100 students are exchanged every year. In the evaluation of the employers’ rating of 50 well established universities carried out by the Ministry of Education, HEU ranks first both in employers’ satisfaction and in graduates’ satisfaction.
The discipline exerts its effort in the construction of world-class subject, aiming at pioneering the education and scientific research in the area of naval architecture and ocean engineering. HEU took the lead in setting up the University Association of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering of China, and the Innovation & Cooperation in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering Alliance that has 55 university members from 11 countries.
五、培养目标(Educational Objective)
1. Familiar with and fond of the Chinese culture; consent to the mainstream values and public morality of Chinese society, have a broad global vision and the ability to develop friendly relationships with other countries.
2. Proficient in the fundamental theories and specialized knowledge of naval architecture and ocean engineering; master the status and advances in the area.
3. Capable of academic writing and international exchanges independently.
4.Able to carry out frontline scientific researches; able to solve complex scientific and engineering problems in the area and to accomplish innovative accomplishments.
六、主要研究方向(Main Research Field)
1.船舶设计制造理论与方法/ Theory and Method of Ship Design and Manufacture
2.船舶与海洋工程力学/ Mechanics of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
3.深海工程科学与技术/ Science and Technology of Deep Sea Engineering
4.智能海洋机器人技术/ Technology of Intelligent Unmanned Marine Vehicles
5.船舶动力装置总体性能与系统/ General Performance and System of Marine Power Equipment
6.船舶动力装置振动噪声控制/ Vibration and Noise Control of Marine Power Equipment
7.船舶动力装置自动化 / Automation of Marine Power Equipment
8.船舶特种动力/ Special Power of Ship
9.海洋声场分析与模拟仿真技术/ Ocean Acoustic Field Analysis and Simulation Analysis Technology
10.水下目标声学特性分析与水声对抗技术/ Acoustic Characteristics Analysis of Underwater Targets and Underwater Acoustic Countermeasures
11.水下声系统与水声电子技术/ Underwater Acoustic System and Underwater Acoustic Electronic Technology
12.水声信号处理与水声通信技术/ Underwater Acoustic Signal Processing and Underwater Acoustic Communication Technology
七、培养方式(Educational Approach)
1.The tutor responsibility system is adopted in the cultivation of master students.
2.Take the full-time training mode of combining cultural education, curriculum learning, scientific research practice, compulsory parts and thesis research work.
八、学制和最长学习年限(Study Duration)
学制3年,最长学习年限4年/3 years, Maximum study duration is 4 years.
九、课程设置与学分要求、必修环节以及学位论文要求(Courses and Credits, Compulsory Parts and Requirements, and Degree Thesis/DissertationRequirements)
1.课程设置与学分要求(Courses and Credits) |
课程类别Category |
课程编号Code |
课程名称Course |
学时Hour |
学分Credit |
开课学期Semester |
备注Remark |
公共必修课General Compulsory Courses |
202032020900 |
中国概况Survey of China |
48 |
3 |
2 |
必选Compulsory |
202032020901 |
基础汉语Chinese |
64 |
3 |
1 |
必选Compulsory |
202032020001 |
数学物理方法AMath in Physics A |
48 |
2 |
1 |
必选1门1 course compulsory |
202032020003 |
数值计算Numerical Methods |
32 |
2 |
1 |
专业必修课ProfessionalCompulsoryCourses |
202010113001 |
船舶与海洋工程学科专题Special topic of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering |
32 |
2 |
1 |
必选2门2 courses compulsory |
202010113051 |
船舶结构力学Marine Structure |
32 |
2 |
1 |
202010113052 |
船舶水动力学Marine Hydrodynamics |
32 |
2 |
1 |
202010113053 |
计算结构力学Computational Structural Mechanics |
32 |
2 |
1 |
202010113054 |
水动力学计算方法Computational Method of Hydrodynamics |
48 |
3 |
2 |
201910310301 |
高等传热学Advanced Heat Transfer |
48 |
3 |
2 |
201910310302 |
高等热力学Advanced Thermodynamics |
48 |
3 |
1 |
201910310305 |
振动分析Vibration Analysis |
48 |
3 |
1 |
201910310306 |
动力装置现代控制理论PowerEquipment Modern Control Theory |
48 |
3 |
1 |
201910310307 |
高等流体力学Advanced Fluid Dynamics |
64 |
4 |
1 |
202010513023 |
现代信号处理基础Modern Digital Signal Processing |
48 |
3 |
1 |
202010511025 |
水下声信道Underwater Acoustic Channel |
32 |
2 |
1 |
202010513003 |
水中目标声学特性Acoustic Characteristics Analysis of Underwater Targets and Underwater Acoustic Countermeasures |
48 |
3 |
2 |
2020***20001 |
论文写作指导Thesis/Dissertation Writing |
16 |
1 |
1 |
选修课Optional Courses |
202032020902 |
汉语交际Chinese communication |
64 |
3 |
1 |
选修≥14学分Optional |
202032020903 |
HSK辅导HSK Tutoring |
48 |
3 |
2 |
202010113151 |
人工智能与海洋机器人Artifical Intelligence and Marine Unmanned Vehicle |
32 |
2 |
1 |
202010113120 |
船舶波浪载荷(英文)Waves Loads on Ships |
32 |
2 |
2 |
202010113153 |
流致振动与运动Flow Induced Vibration and Motion |
32 |
2 |
2 |
202010113155 |
结构动力学Structural Dynamics |
32 |
2 |
1 |
202010313031 |
振动主动控制技术Active Control of Vibration |
32 |
2 |
2 |
202010313008 |
特种动力Special Power |
32 |
2 |
2 |
202010313009 |
船舶发动机排放与控制Exhaust Emissions from Marine Engines and Control Technologies |
32 |
2 |
2 |
202010313014 |
内燃机电子控制Electronic Control of Internal Combustion Engine |
32 |
2 |
2 |
202010313015 |
结构有限元分析方法与应用Structure Finite Element Method and Application |
32 |
2 |
2 |
202010313019 |
燃气轮机性能分析Analysis of Performance of Gas Turbine |
32 |
2 |
2 |
202010313021 |
船舶推进系统设计方法与分析Marine Propulsion System Design Method and Analysis |
32 |
2 |
2 |
202010313022 |
输运现象理论Transport Phenomena |
32 |
2 |
2 |
202010313031 |
振动主动控制技术Active Control of Vibration Technology |
32 |
2 |
2 |
202010313900 |
动力系统数值计算方法Numerical Method of the Power System |
32 |
2 |
2 |
202010313901 |
计算流体力学与实践Computational Fluid Dynamics and Application |
32 |
2 |
2 |
202010313902 |
粘性流体力学Viscous Fluid Mechanics |
32 |
2 |
2 |
201910510006 |
水下定位与导航技术Underwater Positioning and Navigation Technology |
32 |
2 |
1 |
201910510015 |
水下基阵信号处理及应用Underwater Array Signal Processing and Application |
32 |
2 |
2 |
201910510017 |
矢量信号处理技术Vector Signal Processing Technology |
16 |
1 |
2 |
201910510018 |
水声通信与网络技术Underwater Acoustic Communication and network Technique |
32 |
2 |
2 |
202010511001 |
固体声学Solid Acoustics |
32 |
2 |
2 |
202010511002 |
近代声学Modern Acoustics |
32 |
2 |
2 |
学分要求Credit Requirement |
应修总学分≥30学分,其中课程学分≥26学分,必修环节≥4学分。Students should achieve no less than 30 credits totally, including course part 26 credits and compulsory part 4 credits. |
其他要求Others |
1. 硕士生在导师指导下选修跨一级学科课程至少2学分,并取得合格成绩。2. 毕业前中文能力应当达到《国际汉语能力标准》三级水平。3. 鼓励来华留学生选修中文授课课程1. Master candidates are required to take 2 credits(at least) of interdisciplinary courses under the guidance of the supervisors and pass exams.2. Before the graduation, all international students are required to pass HSK band Ⅲ (level) at least.3. Encourage international students to take courses teaching in Chinese. |
2.必修环节及要求(Compulsory Parts and Requirements) |
必修环节名称Compulsory Part |
学分Credit |
开课学期Semester |
考核和内容或要求Content or Requirement |
考核方式Exam Method |
备注Remark |
学术活动Academic activities |
1 |
5 |
本学科硕士生学术活动的形式包括参加学校组织的知识产权专题讲座、学术报告会和国内外学术会议,具体要求如下:1.参加学校组织的本学科及相关学科的学术报告或国内外学术会议1次,每次听完报告后撰写500字左右学习心得一份,导师审阅同意后签字,交学院教务办公室。2.在第一学年至少应参加2场次由学校组织的知识产权专题讲座,并将500字的学习心得以书面形式交给导师,导师审阅同意后签字,交学院教务办公室。3.研究生导师在研究生培养过程中需对研究生进行学术道德教育和学术规范训练,并对研究生做出明确要求;研究生参加校、院组织的学术道德和学术规范讲座,同时撰写不少于800字的学习报告或心得体会,由导师审阅同意后交教务办公室存档。研究生在就读期间要注重培养和提高自身学术道德修养,遵守学术研究的基本规范,自觉抵制学术不端行为。学术活动及其考核在研究生学位论文答辩前完成。The academic activities of the master's degree students in this discipline include attending lectures on intellectual property, academic reports and academic conferences at home and abroad. The specific requirements are as follows:1. Participate in the academic report of the discipline and related disciplines organized by the university or academic conferences at home and abroad once, write a learning experience of about 500 words after listening to the report each time, which are signed by the tutor after being reviewed and approved, and then are submit it to the Academic Affairs Office of the University.2.In the first academic year, students should attend at least two lectures on intellectual property organized by the University, and complete the learning experience of 500 words in written form to the tutor, who will sign after reviewing and approving, and then submit it to the Academic Affairs Office of the college.3.In the process of postgraduate training, the postgraduate tutor shall carry out academic ethics education and academic standard training for the postgraduate, and make clear requirements for the postgraduate; the postgraduate shall participate in academic ethics and academic standard lectures organized by the University and the college, and write a study report or experience of no less than 800 words, which shall be reviewed and approved by the tutor and then submitted to the Academic Affairs Office for filing. Postgraduates should pay attention to the cultivation and improvement of their own academic ethics, abide by the basic norms of academic research, and consciously resist academic misconduct.Academic activities and their assessment shall be completed before the oral defense of postgraduate dissertation. |
由院系负责考核Assessed by the related college |
至少选择1个环节Select one part at least |
创新竞赛与创业活动Innovation competition and entrepreneurial activities |
1 |
5 |
研究生参加“中国研究生创新实践系列大赛”或国家层面组织的创新创业活动等,符合学校有关规定条件的,可获得创新竞赛与创业活动成绩及学分。Graduate students who participate in the "China Graduate Innovation Practice Series Competitions" or the innovation and entrepreneurship activities organized at the national level which meet the relevant requirements of the school can obtain the scores and credits of innovation competition and entrepreneurship activities. |
由研究生院学术办公室考核Assessed by the Academic Affairs Office of the Graduate School |
文献综述与开题报告Literature review and thesis proposal |
2 |
3 |
硕士研究生入学后在导师指导下阅读本领域国内外有关文献资料,总数不少于30篇,并于第三学期完成不少于4000字的文献综述报告。文献综述报告应反映国内外本领域的研究历史、现状和发展趋势。文献综述和开题报告由开题报告小组负责考核,通过后给与相应学分。硕士生开题报告要求按照学校及学院相关文件执行。After entering the University, under the guidance of the tutors, postgraduate students should read the relevant literature at home and abroad, with a total number of no less than 30, and complete a literature review report of no less than 4000 words in the third semester.The literature review report should contain the research history, current situation and development trend of this field at home and abroad. The literature review report will be reviewed by the tutor, and corresponding credits will be given after passing.The master's thesis proposal and dissertation plan shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant documents of the university and college. |
由开题报告小组负责考核Assessed by the thesis proposal group. |
必选Compulsory |
中期检查Processassessment |
1 |
5 |
中期检查一般最迟于开题后一年内进行,通过中期检查的研究生取得相应学分,按照学校及学院相关文件执行。The process assessment is generally carried out no later than one year after the proposal. Postgraduates who pass the process assessment will obtain corresponding credits, which shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant documents of the school and the college. |
由中期检查小组负责考核Assessed by process assessment group |
必选Compulsory |
3.学位论文要求(Degree Thesis/DissertationRequirements) |
对学位论文的学术道德、学术水平、创新成果、论文撰写以及答辩等方面的具体要求:The degree thesis requirements with the contents of academic ethics,academic level, creative outcome, thesis proposal, process assessment,thesis writing, and final defence of graduation:学术道德:研究生在发表学术论文和学位论文的有关工作中,应严格按照《哈尔滨工程大学研究生学术道德规范管理办法》要求,恪守职业道德,维护科学诚信。研究生导师在研究生培养过程中,需对研究生进行学术道德教育和学术规范训练,并对研究生做出明确要求;研究生应参加校、院组织的学术道德和学术规范讲座,同时撰写不少于500字的学习报告或心得体会,由导师审阅同意后交教务办公室存档。研究生在就读期间要注重培养和提高自身学术道德修养,遵守学术研究的基本规范,自觉抵制学术不端行为。学术水平:硕士生学位论文中期检查的要求按照学校及学院相关文件执行。创新成果:硕士学位论文中至少应包含2个及以上创新点。论文撰写:硕士生学位论文撰写的要求按照学校及学院相关文件执行。论文答辩:硕士生学位论文答辩的要求按照学校及学院相关文件执行。Academic Ethics: in the relevant work of publishing academic papers and dissertations, postgraduates should strictly abide by professional ethics and maintain scientific integrity in strict accordance with "Administrative Measures for the Academic Ethics of Postgraduates of Harbin Engineering University". In the process of postgraduate training, the postgraduate tutor shall carry out academic moral education and academic standard training for the postgraduate, and make the requirements clear for postgraduates; postgraduates shall participate in the academic moral and academic standard lectures organized by the University and the college, and at the same time, write a learning report or experience of no less than 500 words, which shall be reviewed and approved by the tutor and then submitted to the Academic Affairs Office for filing. Postgraduates should pay attention to the cultivation and improvement of their own academic ethics, abide by the basic norms of academic research, and consciously resist academic misconduct.Academic Level: the requirements for process assessment of master's degree thesis shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant documents of the University and the college.Creative Outcome: the dissertation should contain at least two innovation points.Thesis Writing: the master's thesis writing requirements shall be in accordance with the relevant documents of the University and the college.Thesis Defense: the master's thesis defense requirements shall be in accordance with the relevant documents of the University and the college. |