

Representative Research Papers in the College of Underwater Acoustic Engineering (Volume 3)

Date:2024-12-09 Author:Source:Hits:

The underwater target VIBRATION noise AND control team OF the College recently published the research results "The flow-induced structural vibration noise" in the international authoritative JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION suppression mechanism of a wing-plate model by the junction suction and trailing edge blowing ". Dr. Wenbo Liu is the first author and Associate Professor Yongwei Liu is the corresponding author. In this work, a new flow control method called corner suction and trailing edge blowing (JSTB) is proposed to solve the problem of vibration noise caused by turbulent pulsating pressure excited shell vibration.At medium and high speed, the noise generated by the structure vibration induced by turbulent pulsating pressure will seriously damage the acoustic performance of the underwater vehicle. In this paper, we propose a new noise-free method called corner suction and trailing edge blowing (JSTB) to reduce the vibration noise of the fluid-induced structure of the wing plate model. The effects of JSTB on flow field and sound field are studied by numerical simulation and experimental test. The experiment was carried out in a gravity water tunnel with low noise. The numerical results show that JSTB significantly reduces the internal self-noise peaks of 70 Hz, 180 Hz, 225 Hz and 265 Hz when the speed is 6.87 m/s. In the frequency range of 20-1000 Hz, the model radiation noise reduction is more significant, and the maximum noise reduction can reach 15.4dB. The simulation results agree well with the experimental results. JSTB can effectively reduce the internal sound pressure level, turbulent pulsation pressure and radiated sound power of the model. This work provides a new solution for the control of fluid induced structural vibration and noise of underwater vehicles.

Author Profile of the First Author

Dr. Liu Wenbo, the first author published one SCI paper (JCR Q1), and the first inventor applied for three invention patents. During the doctoral period, I won the first-class academic scholarship three times, and participated in a number of key laboratory funds and pre-research projects.

Author Profile of the corresponding author

Liu Yongwei, Associate Professor, doctoral supervisor. His research interests are flow field and hydrodynamic noise control. He presided over the National Natural Science Foundation project, the Natural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province and many other important national scientific research tasks, and won the second prize of provincial and ministerial science and technology progress award. He has published more than 20 SCI and EI indexed papers in journals such as Acta Acoustica and Journal of Sound and vibration, and published 3 works in Harbin Engineering University Press and Science Press.