

Representative Research Papers in the College of Underwater Acoustic Engineering (Volume 1)

Date:2024-12-09 Author:Source:Hits:

The College will publish 6 representative academic journal papers in January and February 2024, of which 3 are published in the top journal "JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA" in the field of acoustics, and 3 are published in the top journal "ACTA ACUSTICA SINICA" in the field of acoustics in China. The National Laboratory of Underwater Acoustic Technology is the first completer unit of these papers.


 The research team of Underwater Target Characteristics Testing and Control Technology published their findings in the Journal of Acoustics as "Multiple Signal Classification and Azimuth Estimation Method Based on Weighted Principal Component Vector for Acoustic Vector Sphere Array in Beam Domain". Dr. Xu Fujia is the first author, and Professor Shengguo Shi is the corresponding author. This work utilizes the principal component vector to design the beamforming matrix, transforms the element-domain data of the acoustic vector sphere array to the beam domain to reduce the array data dimension, obtains the pressure and combined velocity required for pressure-velocity joint processing to avoid the selection of observation direction, and finally combines the MUSIC method to estimate the azimuth angle of the target.

  To reduce the computational complexity of the direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation method for acoustic vector circular arrays and avoid the problem of selecting the observation direction in pressure-velocity joint processing, a DOA estimation method based on the weighted principal eigenvectors of the circular array was proposed. Under the optimal criterion of maximizing the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), the optimal weight vector for the single vector sensor, i.e., the principal eigenvector, was solved. The corresponding beamforming matrix was designed based on the principal eigenvector, and the theoretical comparison of the target DOA estimation variance in the element domain and the beam domain of the acoustic vector circular array MUSIC was carried out. The relationship between the large eigenvalue, the corresponding eigenvector, and the steering vector of the single vector sensor was derived. The effectiveness of the beamforming matrix based on the principal eigenvector was verified by simulation experiments, and the proposed method has lower computational complexity and good DOA estimation performance. The data analysis of the pool experiment shows that the proposed method can accurately estimate the target direction.

Author Profile of the First Author

Dr. Xu Fujia's research focuses on acoustic vector array signal processing. He participated in the project of acoustic vector extended array detection and participated in lake and sea trials. He has received the first-class scholarship and has been awarded the "Outstanding Graduate" title twice by her research group. He has published 5 articles in journals such as Acta Acustica United with Acustica and Digital Signal Processing, of which 2 have been published as SCI articles and 3 as EI articles. He has also authored one patent and one conference paper.

Author Profile of the corresponding author

Professor Shi Shengguo, PHD supervisor. Selected as a national high-level talent. Research fields: vibration and noise reduction, vector sonar technology, underwater detection and identification. He presided over and participated in the National major scientific research instrument development projects and key projects of the National Natural Science Foundation, won two second prizes of National Science and Technology Progress, three first prizes of provincial and ministerial science and technology progress and science and technology innovation team awards, won the China Youth Science and Technology Award, Heilongjiang Province Youth Science and Technology Award, Heilongjiang Province May Fourth Youth Medal and other honors. More than 40 invention patents have been authorized, more than 140 academic papers have been published, more than 100 have been indexed by SCI and EI, and 2 academic monographs have been published. He is also the deputy head of the Vibration and Noise Group of the Ship Mechanics Committee of the Chinese Society of Naval Architecture Engineering, the member of the underwater target Characteristics group of the Underwater Weapons Committee, and the member of the unmanned aerial Vehicle autonomous Control Professional Committee of the Chinese Society of Automation.

2. The underwater target vibration noise and control team published the research results in the journal of Acoustics, "Adaptive control method using near-field normal acoustic energy flow to control far-field low-frequency line spectrum noise". Dr. Xuesong Zhang is the first author and Associate Professor Xiao Yan is the corresponding author. Aiming at the low frequency radiation noise of underwater targets, this work inhibits the energy propagation in the sound field by adjusting the size of the near-field normal energy flow, and then controls the radiation noise of the target in the far field.

3. Aiming at the problem of far field low frequency radiation noise control of underwater structures, an adaptive noise control method based on near-field normal sound energy flow of underwater structures is proposed. The method takes the normal sound energy flow in the near field of the structure as the control physical quantity, and uses the active control system to adjust the output of the secondary sound source adaptively to suppress the energy propagation in the normal direction of the structure, so as to realize the low frequency radiation noise control in the far field. The simulation and test results using cylindrical shell as test model show that the lower the frequency, the more uniform the spatial distribution of cylindrical shell radiation field, and the better the noise reduction effect of energy flow method. Compared with the traditional active control method which takes the near field sound pressure as the control physical quantity, the energy flow method can realize the noise control in the far field direction corresponding to the error point without increasing the total radiated sound power.

About the author

Author Profile of the First Author

At present, Dr. Zhang Xuesong is mainly engaged in the active control theory of underwater target low-frequency radiation sound field, adaptive algorithm design, simulation and hardware system construction, etc. He is one of the technical backbone of several national projects and the main leader of field tests. In the past three years, he has published one SCI paper, one invention patent (authorized) and two EI papers as the first author or corresponding author.

Author Profile of the corresponding author

 Professor Xiao Yan, Master's supervisor. She teaches the undergraduate courses "Continuum Mechanics", "Integrated Experiment of Marine Information System", "Acoustic Engineering and Application Experiment", "Integrated Experiment of Sonar System", and "Underwater target Characteristics" for graduate students, and is a member of the course team of "Acoustic Measurement", a national English-taught brand course. Won the second prize of the national Teaching Achievement Award and the honorary title of "Excellent Class Teacher" at the university level in 2017. Her research interests include active and passive vibration and noise control of large underwater structures, identification of structural noise sources, underwater target sound field testing and material acoustic performance testing technology. She has presided over or participated in more than 30 basic research projects and National Natural Science Foundation projects as project leader or backbone member.

4. The research team of Underwater acoustic Localization and target detection published the research results of "Combined multi-sensor underwater multi-target passive acoustic localization" in the journal of Acoustics. Dr. Li Xiang is the first author and Associate Professor Qi Bin is the corresponding author. In this work, the traditional distributed detection and tracking paradigm ignores the target position, and proposes a joint multi-node distributed pre-detection tracking technology, which uses precise parameter transformation to eliminate some unknown parameters in the model to eliminate the fuzziness of the model, and deduces the theoretical performance boundary. The results show that the proposed method can obtain multi-node processing gain, and it is significantly better than traditional methods under bad conditions such as low SNR or strong multi-path, and can reach the performance boundary under high SNR.

5. In the problem of multi-sensor passive acoustic positioning, the signals received by different sensors from the same target all correspond to the target position. According to this physical basis, a passive acoustic positioning method based on particle filter is proposed to effectively integrate multi-sensor data and improve positioning performance. In this method, the likelihood function in particle filter is defined as the product of the cross-correlation output of different sensor signals corresponding to the particle state. The design of the likelihood function ensures that the proposed method can fully obtain the processing gain of multiple sensors. In addition, the proposed method gets rid of the traditional positioning paradigm, so it can avoid the problem of measure-tracking correlation that the traditional positioning paradigm must face. The experimental results show that under the condition of strong multi-path interference, the average positioning error of the traditional positioning method is 7.2m, while that of the proposed method is 1.2m, which has better performance.

About the author

Author Profile of the First Author

Dr. Li Xiang is committed to the basic research and applied research of the autonomous detection and tracking technology of underwater unmanned platforms. He chaired a doctoral innovation fund and published 7 papers in the past two years, once or once as a supervisor (two by himself).

Author Profile of the corresponding author

Professor Qi Bin, Master student supervisor. He is mainly engaged in underwater acoustic positioning and navigation, artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithm research and other related fields. He won the second prize of Science and Technology of Heilongjiang Province, published 1 monograph of the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, published 12 SCI papers, 15 EI papers, 1 teaching reform paper, applied for 9 invention patents, and won the top ten class teachers of the school in 2017. Presided over a National Natural Science foundation, and participated in more than 20 various projects as a technical leader or backbone member. National Nature Foundation Peer Review Expert, IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatic Sinica, Chinese Optics Letters, IET Computer Vision, Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering and other journal reviewers

4. THE deep-sea transducer research team published their findings in the JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA, "Bandwidth extension of the Tonpilz transducer using. high-order longitudinal vibrations ". Dr. Ji Bocheng is the first author and Professor LAN Yu is the corresponding author. This work solves several basic problems in the realization of the transducer's UWB transmission, including how to excite the continuous longitudinal resonance, eliminate the complex and variable response sag in the band, and improve the response fluctuation in the band. The UWB design theory is proposed to realize the full mode coupling in the band.

The longitudinal transducer mainly works at the fundamental frequency of longitudinal vibration. Up to now, the understanding, research and application of the third order and higher order longitudinal vibration are still lacking. The bandwidth of the transducer can be extended to more than two octaves by coupling the fundamental frequency vibration with other higher-order vibrations. There are three theoretical problems: 1) the excitation method of continuous order longitudinal resonance; 2) the coupling mechanism of the resonance (the method of eliminating the response sag between the resonators); 3) The control mechanism of the transducer's emission capability at each resonance. This paper simultaneously solves the above three problems. The results show that the number, position, length and driving voltage of piezoelectric ceramic drives have important effects on the frequency band. Finally, the ultra-wideband design theory is proposed, which can excite the first four longitudinal resonators coupled with each other at the same time, and the response values at the resonance are basically the same. When this theory is applied, there are many variables to be optimized, and the traditional optimization method is difficult to complete the design. In this paper, an adaptive optimization process is proposed, which consists of the initial optimization of simulated annealing algorithm and the re-optimization of finite element method, which is both efficient and accurate. The designed longitudinal transducer is driven by three piezoelectric stacks with four longitudinal resonators in the frequency band, and the final operating frequency band covers 19.5kHz-90kHz. About the author

Author Profile of the First Author

 Dr. Ji Bocheng is currently engaged in the ultra-wideband design theory of mid-high frequency underwater acoustic transducers, and the development of low-frequency sound sources and arrays. He has chaired the Youth Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation and published 5 SCI papers in the past 5 years.

Author Profile of the corresponding author

Professor Lan Yu, PHDsupervisor. Presided over the completion of a number of national, provincial and ministerial projects. He has published more than 100 high-level scientific and technological papers in various journals. He has won the advanced individual of Teachers' Ethics in Heilongjiang Province, the advanced individual of national topics in 2009, 2010 and 2012, the second prize of provincial and ministerial science and technology progress, the third prize of one, and two provincial and ministerial scientific research awards. In the direction of acoustic sensor technology has a deep theoretical foundation and years of work accumulation, in the ultra-low frequency underwater sound source, deep sea acoustic sensor, low-frequency high-power acoustic emission, acoustic finite element analysis and other technologies have made outstanding progress, scientific research results have been in the domestic Institute of Acoustics, the National University of Defense Technology and other nearly 20 units have been promoted and applied.

5. THE deep-sea transducer team published their findings in the JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA, "A method to analyze the radiation characteristics of a. liquid column resonance transducer based on fluid motion ". Dr. Lee Shichang is the first author and Professor LAN Yu is the corresponding author. In this work, the acoustic radiation model of the liquid cavity vibration transducer is obtained by analyzing the liquid cavity vibration transducer from the perspective of fluid vibration, and the working characteristics of the high Q value of the liquid cavity vibration transducer are explained, and the experimental results are compared and verified.

Liquid cavity vibration (LCR) transducer has been widely used in deep sea acoustics because of its liquid-filled structure. Until now, the study of liquid cavity vibration has generally been based on the plane acoustic wave equation, but for vibrating objects, the velocity is the main focus, not the pressure. Thus, the equations of motion of the modes can be derived from the Navier-Stokes (N-S) equation. In this paper, the vibration velocity of LCR transducer is calculated by finite element model, and the distribution of vibration velocity inside the vibrating liquid is studied. In addition, the radiation surface of the LCR transducer is identified, and a simplified radiation surface model consisting of a concave piston and a ring line sound source is proposed and verified. The theory behind the high mechanical mass (Q) value of the LCR transducer is explained by the radiative properties of the LCR transducer and the low viscosity of water. This was also verified by finite element models and measurements. Due to the high mechanical Q value and low frequency of the LCR transducer, this measurement should be made in open water and the pulse should be long enough to achieve a steady state.

About the author

Author Profile of the First Author

 Dr. Li Shi-chang, his research interests are underwater acoustic transducers and arrays.

Author Profile of the corresponding author

Professor Lan Yu, PHD supervisor. Presided over the completion of a number of national, provincial and ministerial projects. He has published more than 100 high-level scientific and technological papers in various journals. He has won the advanced individual of Teachers' Ethics in Heilongjiang Province, the advanced individual of national topics in 2009, 2010 and 2012, the second prize of provincial and ministerial science and technology progress, the third prize of one, and two provincial and ministerial scientific research awards. In the direction of acoustic sensor technology has a deep theoretical foundation and years of work accumulation, in the ultra-low frequency underwater sound source, deep sea acoustic sensor, low-frequency high-power acoustic emission, acoustic finite element analysis and other technologies have made outstanding progress, scientific research results have been in the domestic Institute of Acoustics, the National University of Defense Technology and other nearly 20 units have been promoted and applied6.THE Polar Acoustics and Marine Information Transmission Technology team published their findings in the JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA, "Time domain turbo equalization based on vector. approximate message passing for multiple-input multiple-output underwater acoustic communications ".Dr. Li Weizhe is the first author and Professor Han Xiao is the corresponding author. In this work, an iterative receiver based on vector approximate message passing is studied for single carrier MIMO underwater acoustic communication. An iterative channel equalization algorithm based on factor graph and vector approximate message passing (VAMP) is proposed to achieve high performance decoding of transmitted data in low complexity. In addition, the block-by-block processing of the receiver can effectively overcome the influence of time-varying channels.

A high-performance underwater acoustic communication receiver based on time reversal processing is proposed for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems. In turbo equalization, vector approximate message passing (VAMP) algorithm is used as the soft equalizer. The VAMP algorithm achieves near-optimal performance through self-iteration between internal soft slicer and internal soft equalizer. Then, a soft sequential interference elimination method based on iterative channel estimation is proposed to suppress co-channel interference in MIMO systems. In addition, the introduction of passive time inversion technology can combine multiple channels into one channel, which greatly reduces the computational complexity of MIMO systems, especially for large MIMO systems. Experimental data collected in Songhua Lake, China in 2019 were used to verify the effectiveness of the receiver. The results show that this receiver significantly reduces the complexity of traditional parallel VAMP receivers without sacrificing performance, and its performance is superior to other similar receivers. In addition, our experimental results also verify that VAMP-turbo outperforms generalized approximate Messaging (GAMP)-turbo in terms of bit error rate and convergence performance.

About the author

Dr. Li Weizhe's research interests include underwater acoustic communication, MIMO and multi-user communication, and messaging. In the past two years, he has published one SCI paper, one core paper, one SCI paper and one EI paper as the first author.

Professor Han Xiao, PHD supervisor. He is mainly engaged in the research of underwater acoustic communication and networking, polar acoustics and information technology. He was nominated for "Young Scientists of Ocean Power" in 2023, the sixth China Association for Science and Technology Young Talent Promotion Project, and "Upward Good Youth" (Innovation and Entrepreneurship) in Heilongjiang Province in 2021-2022. Won the Outstanding Youth Science Fund of Heilongjiang Province, He is a member of the Underwater Communication Committee of the Chinese Society of Communications, a member of the Youth Working Committee of the Chinese Society of Naval Architecture Engineering, a member of the young editorial board of the Journal of Acoustics, the editor board of the Signal Processing, the editor board of the Journal of Marine Science and Application, and the young editorial board of the Applied Science and Technology. He presided over a number of projects such as the National Key research and development Program, the National Natural Science Foundation's major scientific research instrument development project/surface/youth project. He has won 5 provincial and ministerial awards, such as the first Prize of Science and Technology Progress of Heilongjiang Province and the first prize of Ocean Engineering Science and Technology Award, published 28 SCI and EI papers, and authorized 20 patents (5 have been converted).